Allgemeine Warnung über diese Seite wurde gehäckt bitte sofort eure Daten ändern wenn sie identisch sind mit den Daten auf rs.
Die Einlog-Daten von Konten bei wurden kompromittiert! Dh., falls ihr bei angemeldet seid, ändert diese Daten. Falls ihr dasselbe Passwort wie bei Runescape verwendet haben solltet, ändert es sofort!
Hier ein Auszug aus dem offiziellen rs Forum.
12-Okt-2011 10:57:43
Letzte Änderung: 12-Okt-2011 10:59:34 von Mod Argus
Hallo allerseits!
Leider ist einer Hacker-Attacke geworden, so dass sie ihre Server aus dem Netz nehmen mussten. Mittlerweile haben sie wieder Kontrolle über die Server, müssen die Sicherheitslücken aber erst einmal stopfen, bevor die Seite wieder live gehen kann.
Das Administratoren-Team von hat uns folgendes offizielle Statement übersended, welches ich hier auf Englisch veröffentliche, um euch die Informationen möglichst schnell zukommen zu lassen:
"Hello Folks,
As you know Tip.It and Forum.Tip.It have been down most of October 11 and continues to be down. Tip.It's servers were unfortunately hacked and the only way to ensure user security and regain control of our servers was to shut down the servers until we can be completely confident that they are safe again.
As a result, it is likely that segments of our user database were dumped and are now in the hands of other people to use against your RuneScape account or other online accounts. The stolen data may or may not include usernames, password hashes, email addresses, IP addresses and any other information you may have provided on the Tip.It Forums. Please note that your forum password was absolutely NOT stored in plain text - all passwords on our forums are encrypted and will require brute forcing from the hackers in order to render them usable. Regardless, we are assuming the worst and recommending you take action now to ensure your accounts are all secure.
It is highly recommended to ensure that your password and email address used on Tip.It are NOT used ANYWHERE else on the internet, especially on your RuneScape account. If you use the same password and/or email address on your RuneScape account, it is HIGHLY likely that your account will be compromised sooner or later. Don't take the risk - use a UNIQUE password and email address on your RuneScape account to insure maximum security.
We also highly recommend you beef up the security on your email address. Often times hackers can gain access to your email and wreak havoc by accessing any accounts tied into that particular email. A few tips to ensure email account safety:
-Don't be sloppy on your recoveries - make them as difficult to crack as your password. Random numbers, letters and symbols with mixed cases works beautifully!
-Delete old emails you have no need to keep - the less information stored in your email the better!
-Use two-step verification with your mobile device wherever possible - this is powerful tool to keep unauthorized people out of your email!
As of now, approximately 0230 GMT on October 12, 2011, and for several hours prior to this, all Tip.It's servers are entirely under the control of the Tip.It administration. Every effort is being made by the administration to restore normal service as soon as possible.
This is all the information available at this point. We will do our best to continue to update the community as much as possible through these difficult times. We appreciate your support during this rough time and we apologize for the inconvenience that this downtime causes to your game play.
Respectfully yours,
Tip.It Administrative Team
Die wichtigsten Hinweise:
Die Einlog-Daten von Konten bei wurden kompromittiert! Dh., falls ihr bei angemeldet seid, ändert diese Daten. Falls ihr dasselbe Passwort wie bei Runescape verwendet haben solltet, ändert es sofort!
Kommt euch das bekannt vor?
Ebenfalls solltet ihr die Sicherheit eurer E-mail-Konten erhöhen, da diese ebenfalls zielscheiben der Hacker sind.
Es sind noch mehr Sicherheitstipps enthalten, die hier im Forum ständig gegeben werden.
Viele Grüße
Mod Argus
Ich habe mir erlaubt den Original Text aus dem Rs Forum zu kopieren.